Quicktip, debug without rebuilding

Published on den 30 June 2010

In this post I will show you how you can attach the debugger to a process in Visual Studio instead of rebuilding the project.

When developing websites I often find it easier and faster to run the project without debugging(ctrl + f5). Unfortunatly that used to mean that I had to rebuild the project whenever I found a defect that I needed to debug. Sometimes the rebuild meant I lost the state that caused the defect and I could not reproduce it. Luckily there is a much better solution in VS.

Instead of rebuilding the project you can simply attach the debugger to the webserver by going to: Tools->Attach to process (or ctrl + alt + p) and select WebDev.WebServer.exe.

Then feel free to it or if you have any comments or questions mention @MikaelEliasson on Twitter.

CTO and co-founder at Bokio with a background as an elite athlete. Still doing a lot of sports but more for fun.

#development, #web, #orienteering, #running, #cycling, #boardgames, #personaldevelopment